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Unlike the previous habit, the binary downloads here might not be as current as the sources. Please report any problems you have with OpenTracker using SourceForge's bug database.
The executables found here are intended for BeOS R5 and up. They may not work with older releases.

Stable Releases

OpenTracker 5.1.0
Release Notes / Change Log
x86 PPC
OpenTracker 5.1.5
Release Notes, Change Log
x86 PPC
OpenTracker 5.2.1
Release Notes, Change Log
x86 PPC
OpenTracker 5.3.0
Release Notes, Change Log
x86 PPC

Current Beta Releases



OpenTracker 5.3.x
Change Log
The nightly built
sources tarball

Build Tools

Binary Tools x86 PPC
C++ UnitTest Suite x86 PPC