
OpenTracker Release Notes

version 5.1.0

With the move to SourceForge, I introduced a new versioning scheme which starts at 5.1.0. This is basically the same version as the last version, plus:
  • the Deskbar doesn't lose any items in "Sort Running Applications" & "Tracker Always First" mode [Bruno G. Albuquerque]
  • fixed the context-menu crash, and missing drop targets [René Gollent]

version 5.1.5

  • Tracker now links against, so it's only 65 kB big
  • Transparent free space bar overlays for volume icons
  • The file types in the find panel are now easier to find
  • All open windows are now correctly recreated at next startup
  • Much other changes and bug fixes, see the change log for greater detail
The following people have contributed to this release of OpenTracker, in alphabetical order (this list doesn't include the contributors of any previous releases):
Mathias Agopian, Bruno G. Albuquerque, Georges Edouard-Berenger, Axel Dörfler, Brad Froehle, Johan Nilsson, Thomas Fudel, Shard

version 5.2.0/5.2.1

  • Cut/Copy & Paste support in Tracker
  • Deskbar can show the application's windows in the application menu directly
  • Improved Deskbar recent item lists
  • Nicer look when selecting and dragging items
  • Network shares are now identified by a special icon
  • Many many bug fixes and other enhancements, see the change log for a detailed list of changes
The following people have contributed to this release of OpenTracker, in alphabetical order (this list doesn't include the contributors of any previous releases):
Linus Almström, Jack Burton, Axel Dörfler, René Gollent, Joseph "looncraz" Groover, Marco Nelissen, Johan Nilsson, Gregor Rosenauer, Shard, Chris Simmons, Jonas Sundstrom, Bryan Varner, Ingo Weinhold

version 5.3.0

  • The Deskbar's time view now shows a nice calendar when you click over it and hold the mouse button.
  • Tray icons will now be layouted better when new ones appear, or disappear.
  • Switcher can now quit applications when you press the 'q' key in the Switcher window.
  • Tracker add-ons are now only shown if they support the file type directly, or at least in a generic way - they are now ordered by their level of support, too.
  • Support for undo/redo of Tracker operations (but no undelete, of course)
  • The parent menu list in the lower left of a Tracker window is now fully navigable, making it much more usable.
  • Numerous subtle usability improvements in the file panel.
  • There is now an icon in the upper right corner representing the current directory - you can use this to drag around instead of having to open its parent for this.
  • Folder attributes can now be put onto the clipboard, and pasted from there, too.
  • A possible work-around for the freezing bug on some R5 systems has been found - please give feedback if it works for you.
  • Improved drag&drop behaviour in Tracker.
  • Network shares now get a proper icon in Tracker that differentiates them from mounted images.
  • Attribute queries now automatically get more useful names for later reuse.
  • Many font sensitivity issues, bug fixes and other enhancements, see the change log for a detailed list of changes
The following people have contributed to this release of OpenTracker, in alphabetical order (this list doesn't include the contributors of any previous releases):
Michael Armida, Stephan Aßmus, Jack Burton, Axel Dörfler, Waldemar Kornewald, Johan Nilsson, François Revol, Teknomancer, Alan Westbrook, Ingo Weinhold, Siarzhuk Zharski