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ignition goes open source!

Due to time constraints that strongly limited the development of ignition in the past months or even years, we decided to open source it under the GNU General Public License, version 3.

You can now find it on BerliOS, and it also got a dedicated website.

We're looking forward to a active community around ignition.

ignition 1.0 beta 1 has been released!

Since the development of ignition proceeds much slower than originally anticipated, we decided to release an up-to-date and not restricted beta version.

Your support should push the further development forward. But we're also relying on your help to be able to complete the product. Particularly, we need help with the following things:

  • Revising and completing of the available documentation
  • Translation of that documentation to German and English - other languages are welcome, too, of course
  • Translations of the program texts themselves
  • New and more icons that can be used in the tool bars
  • Reports of existing bugs in the whole package

At least the tree most contributing people will get a free version of ignition as a compensation for their help. A mailing list will be available, a bug tracker already is.

We're looking forward to your contributions!

For the more complex applications like ignition and Capture there is now a bug tracker available, where known bugs of the software can be reported and managed.
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