Die Übersicht über die Änderungen der einzelnen Versionen gibt es ausschließlich in Englisch!
gtdrag 1.1 (29.9.96)
  • first release.
gtdrag 1.4 (3.10.96)
  • big changes in structure and tag definitions! (1.2)
  • other gadget types than LISTVIEW_KIND will be handled correctly (like BUTTON_KIND). (1.2)
  • added GTD_RemoveGadget() and GTD_RemoveWindow() for multi-window support. (1.2)
  • checks now for the number of entries in a source-listview. (1.3)
  • the range of a mouse move until a drag happens can now be changed via GTDA_(LV)DragPixel. (1.3)
  • the dragged icon now hides if you are near the source gadget to prevend graphical damage. (1.4)
  • --------
gtdrag 1.8 (5.11.96)
  • created a shared library, the linker lib is not provided anymore but I can create one on request. This creation is part of big changes in the whole application interface. E. g. the GTD_Init()/ Free() function-pair doesn't exist any longer. (1.5)
  • implemented GTD_(Post)FilterIMsg()-functions. (1.6)
  • checks now the number of entries in the target-listview. (1.6)
  • makes the dragged object transparent if it is over a gadget which accepts drag&drop. (1.6)
  • now centers the dragged object if it is an image. (1.7)
  • fixed problems with more than one window open at a time. (1.8)
  • fixed the GTD_(Post)FilterIMsg()-functions; they replied the same IntuiMessage two times. (1.8)
gtdrag 2.1 (7.11.96)
  • implemented accept and type masks. (1.9)
  • implemented GTDA_InternalOnly and GTDA_Same. (1.9)
  • changed the handling of the DragMsgs internally. (1.10)
  • bumped to V2 to let applications presuppose the extensions to the last release. (2.1)
  • it was possible to get a drag message (DMT_UNKNOWN) if a drag was interrupted using the right mouse button. (2.1)
gtdrag 2.2 (11.11.96)
  • if no DragGadget was defined, this could make problems. (2.2)
  • fixed possible problems with the use of Wait() in applications. (2.2)
  • the GTDA_RenderHook got one pixel too much in width and height. (2.2)
gtdrag 2.7 (15.12.96)
  • the drag objects are now rendered via BitMaps, they are no BOBs any longer to reduce flickering on gfx-cards. (2.3)
  • include the E includes/modules made by Daniel Rost. (2.3)
  • fixed small bugs in the render-routine. (2.3)
  • a little more highlighting is done. (2.4)
  • the render-routines were a bit optimised and changed for use with CyberGraphX. (2.5)
  • the message handling is completely changed, now it uses fake events to let gadtools stop processing messages while an object is dragged. (2.6)
  • small optimisations. (2.6)
  • enhanced highlighting and listview-control. If you move an entry in a listview, you may get another dm_TargetEntry than in previous releases. (2.6)
  • added scrolling capabilities to listview-drags. (2.6)
  • some minor bug fixes. (2.7)
gtdrag 2.10 (27.6.97)
  • a bug in the render-routine could cause a strange listview entry to appear when running under CyberGraphX with huge call-backs. (2.8)
  • if the first IDCMP_MOUSEMOVE during a drag did not come from the source gadget, strange effects may happen. (2.8)
  • no more "ghost" drags will occur when you release the mouse button while scrolling in a listview. (2.9)
  • fixed a bug which could appear if the drag doesn't start over the gadget itself. (2.10)
gtdrag 3.1 (8.6.99)
  • include a set of rendering callback-hooks. (3.1)
  • add the GTD_RemoveGadgets() function which removes all the gadgets of a specific window. (3.1)
  • implemented GTDA_ObjectFunc. (3.1)
  • if a LISTVIEW_KIND didn't provide a render hook, the width of the ClipBlit() was one pixel too wide [reported by Guido Mersmann]. (3.1)
  • slight API changes. (3.1)
  • the TreeView's knob coordinates could be wrong in conjunction with listviews with GTLV_ShowSelected. (3.1)
  • implemented GTDA_AcceptFunc. (3.1)
  • if you opened a tree container with open sub-directories the view-list order was not correct. (3.1)
  • GTD_SetAttrs() works now correctly (flags could not be unset). (3.1)
  • implemented GTDA_TreeView & GTDA_DropOverItems. (3.1)
  • GTDA_Width & GTDA_Height can now be used for all gadget types. (3.1)
  • assembler includes added. (3.1)
  • implemented custom gadget support. (3.1)
  • add a IFF stream hook. (3.1)
  • add GTDA_SourceEntry, GTDA_Images now works. (3.1)
gtdrag 3.2 (9.6.99)
  • add GTDA_InternalOnly for gadgets. (3.2)
  • if GTDA_TreeView is set, GTDA_Type will be set to ODT_TREENODE, if previously unset. (3.2)
  • unfortunately, ToggleTree() did nothing. (3.2)
  • the application of a custom gadget is now recognized if its window or another gadget in this window is registered. (3.2)
  • the TNF_STATIC flag of a TreeNode is now supported. (3.2)
  • documentation enhanced. (3.2)
  • GTDA_AcceptTypes replaces GTDA_AcceptMask; for your convenience, this tag and GTDA_Mask (= GTDA_InternalType) will stay. (3.2)
  • unfortunately, GadTools copies all incoming messages - a GTD_ReplyIMsg() is therefore an obligate call. This caused a strange bug where Mungwall detects a mis-aligned FreeMem(). This is now fixed. (3.2)
  • the object acceptance cache was not cleared after a drag. (3.2)
  • the GTDA_DropOverItems flag could cause highlighting problems. (3.2)
  • flag GTDA_DropBetweenItems added (suggestion made by Guido Mersmann). (3.2)
gtdrag 3.3 (30.6.99)
  • the gadget's flag GFLG_DISABLED is now supported. (3.2)
  • search for the registered gadget on a IDCMP_GADGETDOWN message slightly changed. (3.2)
  • some gadgets (like the GadTools listviews) don't set the GFLG_DISABLED flag but GT_GetGadgetAttrs() works for GA_Disabled. (3.2)
  • the currently selected item is updated to show the old item in a listview which supports this. (3.3)
  • GTDA_ObjectFunc may now prevent an object from being dragged if it sets od_Object to NULL. (3.3)
  • add IEQUALIFIER_DRAGKEY (the alternate keys) to start a drag immediately when the mouse begins to move. (3.3)
  • some assemblers seem to have problems with the gtdrag.i file (thanks to Guido Mersmann). (3.3)
  • the GTDA_AcceptFunc was not called when source and target gadget were the same and no custom-gadget. (3.3)
gtdrag 3.4 (6.7.99)
  • custom gadgets which are not BOOPSI gadgets don't like DoMethod; I thought it could handle both - but it is very clear that it can't do this [reported by Stephan Rupprecht]. (3.4)
gtdrag 3.5 (25.8.99)
  • Thanks to the invocation, support, and demand by Stephan Rupprecht, gtdrag finally supports CyberGraphX/Picasso96 - this should result in a major speed improvement and correct rendering of the objects on true color screens.